A couple explores Dallas Road Beach

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from a local's perspective

The best source for an insider’s view, our blog offers exciting news, stories, and opinions directly from passionate (and sometimes quirky) locals who are eager to share Greater Victoria with the world. Uncover hidden gems, tucked away restaurants, fun activities, and our favourite festivals. Plus discover trip planning tips, curated lists, and so much more to help you get to know the Garden City and make the most of your visit. Welcome to One-of-a-kindland.

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice in Victoria, BC

The longest day of the year is fast approaching, and what better place to celebrate the Summer Solstice than in vibrant Victoria, BC? Immersed in natural beauty from ocean to orchards, Greater Victoria is a shining example of a community living in harmony with nature’s rhythms.

If you plan on spending the Summer Solstice in Victoria, or any of summer’s beautiful long days, here’s a short overview of some iconic activities (along with some hidden gems) to spark inspiration ahead of your travels.

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Destination Greater Victoria is honoured to be based on the traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples of the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation, whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.